[HD] FULL TUNE!! Supported by Armin van Buuren (ASOT 526!), Gareth Emery, Bobina! Holy smokes!! Amazing track yet again done by Headstrong in collaboration with masters Aurosonic! I'd like to focus also on the Shelley Harland's voice, because it's very lush, warm and I love it Длительность: 8:49
Скриншоты к видео Headstrong feat. Shelley Harland - Helpless (Aurosonic Progressive Mix) [+Lyrics] [Music Video]
Amazing trance songs to dance to. SONG NAMES AT THE END. Amazingly beautiful trance songs. 5 amazing trance songs that take you to a different world. Click on my profile for more trance! Длительность: 16:05
This track is ripped from Armin van Buuren - A State Of Trance 458. NOTE: The Music featured in this video is NOT mine. All copyright is in the hands of the artist and/or his publisher. If you like this song please support the effort of the artists and BUY the single/album.Video is posted for promotional use only. Support the artists and labels and buy this track.Thank you. Длительность: 4:30
Скриншоты к видео Luke Terry feat Kerry Leva - Arpora ( John O'Callaghan Remix)
the_happy_groover_-_when_i_snap_my_fingers silverstation_-_sunshine_after_the_rain paffendorf_-_self_control John Dahlback - Pyramid Abel Ramos & Miss Melody - Rotterdam City Of Love wippenberg_-_chakalaka Rank 1 - LED There Be Light Длительность: 9:37