GLOBALCLUBBING и Tele-club представляют ARMIN VAN BUUREN в Екатеринбурге! 25 августа 2012 года откроются двери [OpenGate] в мир танцевальной эйфории! Цветные декорации, настоящий праздник, эмоции, свежий воздух и только самая лучшая и качественная музыка, которую вам подарит Armin van Buuren. Armin van Buuren - голландский ди-джей, музыкант и продюсер. Четыре раза признавался лучшим ди-джеем мира по версии авторитетного английского издания "Dj MAGAZINE" в 2007 - 2010 годах. На счету Армина четыре студийных альбома: "76", "Shivers", "Imagine", "Mirage". В данный момент голландец усердно работает над пятой пластинкой. Кроме этого, он является создателем и ведущим самого популярного радиошоу в мире электронной музыки "A State of Trance", еженедельное количество слушателей которого достигает 25 млн. человек по всему миру. В 2012 году он одерживает победу в номинациях "Лучший мировой Dj", "Лучшее радиошоу", "Лучший подкаст" и "Лучший Транс Трек" на престижной церемонии "International Dance Music Awards", проходящая в Майами, США. Длительность: 3:55
Classic Bonus Track @ Armin Van Buuren - A State Of Trance Radio Top 15 (June 2009). Note : This upload is for promotional purposes only. All rights reserved to the artists/producers and record labels responsible for the music in this video. Длительность: 7:33
Скриншоты к видео Omen - Skyline (Original Mix) [HD]
Listen on Spotify: Download on Beatport: Download on iTunes: With the sound of their latest collab 'Calling My Name' still resounding, Full Tilt and Deirdre McLaughlin present the next vocal jewel in line for the Subculture label: 'Surrender'! Ireland's got a fresh deal of dance music to offer. Hot out of the studio of Irish producers Timmy Gibson and Tommy Conway, we find the beats of 'Surrender' flowing right in. The guys, responsible for the Full Tilt and Timmy & Tommy projects, have shown not to be afraid of a little experimenting. Together with vocalist Deirdre McLaughlin, they first presented the contagious, out-of-the-box sounding 'Calling My Name', now followed by the clubby, prog-trance weapon 'Surrender'. Warm synths, lush vocals and a dreamy atmosphere make you lose yourself into 'Surrender' completely... Tracklist 1.Surrender (Original Mix) 2.Surrender (Sneijder vs John O'Callaghan Remix) Длительность: 7:48
Скриншоты к видео Full Tilt feat. Deirdre McLaughlin - Surrender (Original Mix)
Listen on Spotify: Download this release on Beatport: Download on iTunes: Melting into one since the release of their 'Metanoia' and Susana collab 'Closer', are the sounds of Norwegian duo The Blizzard and Ukrainian producer Omnia. It's the soothing, warm depth of progressive house that binds the strengths of these talent. But it's also the driving force that keeps them inspired, with the beautiful 'My Inner Island' arising from their minds. Featured on the A State of Trance 2011 compilation, it's 'My Inner Island' that shines out with a strong, deeply melodic sound. It has conquered the heart of its listeners, taking them in with spellbinding synths, lush guitar, swirls of melody and heart-pounding beats. This is one of this summer's essentials. Russian producer Yuri Kane gave 'My Inner Island' a groovy stir, without making it lose its tender character. Tracklist 1. My Inner Island (Original Mix) 2. My Inner Island (Yuri Kane Remix) 3. My Inner Island (Radio Edit) Длительность: 3:13
Скриншоты к видео The Blizzard & Omnia - My Inner Island (Yuri Kane Remix)
With 40 DJ's, artists and acts coming together at one massive party - you know the atmosphere's got to be right! A State of Trance 500 brought the more than 20.000 visitors 5 areas of new talent and renowned artists, all feeling right at home at the celebration of the 500th episode of Armin van Buuren's radioshow. Next to the Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red areas, the backstage and artists lounges were one big party as well, as all artists felt part of one big family. Both Dancefoundation and Armin interviewed some of the world's most known and promising DJ names of today, from Arty and Signum to Max Graham, Длительность: 8:12
Скриншоты к видео ASOT 500 Video Report - Interview with Juventa & Signum
I feel good:) Great tune.. Dezza comes from Canada;) Label: Dezire Date: 10.12.2010 Note to Artists and Recordings Studios I'm doing it only to promotional purposes.. If You have any problems with this video I'll delete this movie immediately... Just send me a private message.. Длительность: 7:25
Скриншоты к видео Dezza - Feel Good (Original Mix) [HD]