Hey this is a video to explain how to setup promod if you just bought a PC and are interested in playing promod or plan to in the future, this is really all the basic stuff you need, everything else is over-rated! twitter.com Music Used: Transit One - Black Ice Part of - A State Of Trance 500 - Ferry Corsten COD4 1.6 PATCH DOWNLOAD - www.gamershell.com COD4 1.7 PATCH DOWNLOAD - www.gamershell.com PB SETUP DOWNLOAD - www.evenbalance.com CLAN-ION COD4 CONFIG DATABASE - site.clan-ion.com BIMFLOW UPDATED CONFIG DATA BASE - www.cod4.bimflow.nl GAMERCONFIGS DATABASE - www.gamerconfigs.com BASH&SLASH COD4 SCOREBOARD COLOURS - bashandslash.com option=com_content&task=view&id=538&Itemid=74 COD4 PROMOD COMMUNITY SITE - www.tek-9.org My Config - www.fileplay.net New/Interested in Cod4 ProMod? check this link! - www.tek-9.org Call outs of all maps in ProMod created by me! - www.tek-9.org And if your bored, my most recent fragmovie! :D - www.youtube.com CoD4 ProMod Page About Me - www.cod4.bimflow.nl Somebody made a fanpage for me? XD - www.facebook.com General Information - Mouse - Zowie EC1 (using 1000DPI and 2.3 ingame sens) Keyboard - Razer Blackwidow Ultimate Mousepad - Qpad UC Длительность: 8:55
Скриншоты к видео CoD4 ProMod Tutorial - How To Get Promod
the_happy_groover_-_when_i_snap_my_fingers silverstation_-_sunshine_after_the_rain paffendorf_-_self_control John Dahlback - Pyramid Abel Ramos & Miss Melody - Rotterdam City Of Love wippenberg_-_chakalaka Rank 1 - LED There Be Light Длительность: 9:37