Download this release: One of Armin van Buuren`s favorite tracks, with a feature on his mix compilation "A State of Trance - 2007", is "Global Illumination - Tremble", which is produced by Freek Geuze and Johan Vermeulen who produce their housey stuff under the guise Fine Taste. Tremble is a great melodic trancer with on the remix Brazilian talent Danilo Ercole For more information visit: http Длительность: 3:33
Скриншоты к видео Global Illumination - Tremble (ARMD1044)
Eddie Murphy in delirious talks about how his mother throws shoes Achieving Purpose is a non profit motivational site to help drive and inspire people to achieve their goals and find their purpose in life. Become a member for free today at or like our facebook fanpage at Длительность: 1:53
Temps/Tiempo/Time: 2'40"4 Parcials/Parciales/Split times: 200m-33" | 400m-1'07" | 600m-1'40" | 800m-2'11" | 1.000m-2'40"4 Test de 1.000m llisos com a recordatori de ritmes i per acabar la temporada d'estiu. ______ Test de 1.000m lisos como recordatorio de ritmos y para terminar la temporada de verano. ______ Personal test of 1.000m as a pace reminder and last training session of the summer season. Длительность: 3:24
[ :X ] my first video :-"... enjoy...:P lyrics : Timpul sa oprit...eo nebunie cum ne-am intalnit.... Ce frumoase sunt...toate iubirile la inceput.... Prima noapte a vreu sa pierd nici un minut... (Ia-ma-n brate sa simt dragostea...) Soarele va bucuram ca doi copii... (Iar eu stiu ca de azi sunt a ta...) Refren: Buna-dimineata,te iubesc Zi de zi de tine ma indragostesc "Buna-dimineata" iti soptesc Cu fiecare zi tot mai mult te iubesc.. Te sarut mult prea repede...clipele trec.... Iar daca visez...jur ca nu vreau,nu ma trezesc.... Prima noapte a vreu sa pierd nici un minut... (Spune-mi iar ca nu vei pleca...) Soarele va bucuram ca doi copii... (Iar eu stiu ca de azi sunt a ta...) Refren: Buna-dimineata,te iubesc Zi de zi de tine ma indragostesc "Buna-dimineata" iti soptesc Cu fiecare zi tot mai mult te iubesc.. x2 Длительность: 3:42
Check the tracklist, download this track or the whole album at: Featured track is: Sunlounger - In & Out (DJ Shah Rework) One of the first imprints of the Armada Music family, is the A State of Trance label. Known for its true trance sound, but not afraid of a little crossover either, the label has kept the trance spirit up high for many years. And there's many more to come, cause despite what people may tell you, trance isn't dead. In fact, it's alive and kicking. To get a feel of the past 100 releases on ASOT, and therewith the history of many memorable moments on the dancefloor, down the clubs, or raving on those mp3-players, we've selected 100 of the best ASOT releases. Tracks by Goldenscan, Envio, Signum, Robert Nickson, MIKE, EnMass, Leon Bolier, Sophie Sugar, Sebastian Brandt and many others. Trance off to a different place and time and relive the past. For more information visit: http Длительность: 4:02
Pre-order Armin's Artist Album 'Mirage' (CD) here: Download this release: Despite the little amount of spare time he has, Armin van Buuren still shows to be up for a little experiment every now and then. He's been messing around with the official music video of his Jaren collaboration 'Unforgivable' in Ableton, resulting in a great, original and extended music video, as a perfect fit to the Stoneface & Terminal remix of the track. Special visuals and original video shots play around and give the track an extra dimension. For more information visit: http Длительность: 9:40
Скриншоты к видео Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren - Unforgivable (Stoneface & Terminal Vocal Mix)