Download on iTunes: Listen on Spotify: Download on Beatport: Never shy of a thunderous production, Arnej Secerkadic has had a productive summer in the studio and on the road. Following on from his Los Angeles '12 inclusion "We Unite" and the dark and dirty "True Lies", the Toronto native is under the Coldharbour spotlight once again, with three tracks primed for dancefloor damage on offer. Already notching up an appearance this summer in Markus Schulz's artist album Scream with their collaborative effort "Karbon", the debut of "The Second Coming" in the Coldharbour boss' set live from A State of Trance's Invasion stage at Global Gathering mesmerised the audience in attendance, as well as the online listening communities. The long awaited followup to Arnej's famed anthem "They Always Come Back" had arrived and with a vengeance, as the track became a big summer 2012 favorite. Featured on W&W's Mainstage compilation and perfect as a set opener or the middle portion of a liveset, The Second Coming will have many admirers over the coming months. Delivered to Markus Schulz only hours before his solo set at London's legendary Ministry of Sound, Arnej's next effort "7even" was debuted to great acclaim. Along with "Pariah", both are perfect for those moody and twisted moments of a set. As the Ibiza season comes to a crescendo, The Second Coming is perfectly timed to hit the closing parties. Tracks: The Second Coming (Original Mix) (06:52) The Second Coming <b>...</b> Длительность: 7:04
Скриншоты к видео Arnej - The Second Coming (Original Mix)
Dj en producer Armin van Buuren is een van Nederlands beste exportproducten. Wereldwijd bezoeken miljoenen mensen zijn shows. Zijn radioprogramma A State of Trance telt 50.000 downloads per week! De clip van In and Out of Love werd tot nu toe maar liefst tien miljoen keer bekeken bekeken op YouTube. Zowel in 2007 als 2008 werd Van Buuren door het Britse tijdschrijft DJ magazine tot beste dj ter wereld uitgeroepen. Het NNO eert hem met een tribute, compleet met spectaculaire lichtshow. Inclusief danceparty! Длительность: 10:00
Скриншоты к видео Het NNO vertolkt Armin van Buuren schaduwuitzending KUNZT
MUSIC is like SELF EVOLUTION... You start listening to certain kind of music and it evolves as your sub-conscious mind demands something different or music with some deeper state of consciousness especially when it comes to Psychedelic Goa PsyTrance,,,, support this Длительность: 90:14
Скриншоты к видео PsyTrance-Nayana She "Enjoy New Mix 2012"
POWERMIX FM RADIO 1st BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS First year over and the station has attracted over 260000 unique visitors globally. This video was made by Mark Bradley & Karen Lloyd at Falmouth Cricket Club on November 5th 2011. All monies from the event (Falmouth Fireworks 2011) was raised and donated to a charity. The music on here was mixed by DJ Graphite. Ferry Corsten - Galaxia (Aly & Fila Remix) Majera - Velvet Sun (Aly & Fila Remix) FKN ft. Jahala - Why (Aly & Fila Remix) Armin van Buuren ft. Susana - If You Should Go (Aly & Fila Remix) Ronny K vs. Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata All copyrights owned by the artists and record companies throughout. No copyright is claimed by the uploader of this upload except for the video. We hope you enjoy this video and please feel free to comment on it. Also, join us every day and night on what is becoming the most popular internet radio station on the globe. Длительность: 16:13
Скриншоты к видео Powermix FM Radio 1st Birthday.avi
Josh Ferrin and Alan Morris, the creative masterminds behind Transistic Records, offer another delicious slice of finest trance: "Precious Times" is nothing more but the consequence of their extensively supported "Atlanta" in 2008, full of gooseflesh atmosphere, groovy beats and catchy melodies. The Sequentia guys deliver their lovely specialty for the melodic trance fans, while Discodyne & Flugschreiber take care of adding a progressive edge to this package. Sounds delightful? Yes, indeed! Release: 26.05.11 Beatport: iTunes: and all other download-stores! Support by: Sean Tyas, Aly & Fila, Pedro Del Mar, Cold Blue, Daniel Kandi, Giuseppe Ottaviani, John Askew, Temple One, Jon O' Bir, Store N Forward, Nitrous Oxide, Fast Distance, Manuel Le Saux, Steve Brian, Dennis Sheperd, Suzy Solar, Angel Ace, Sonic Element, Bluefire, Faruk Sabanci, Temple One, Chris Low, Matamar, Matt Trigle, OzzyXPM, Raphael Ocaso and many more... Some radio-show plays: Sean Tyas - Tytanium Track Of The Week 093 - Original Mix Aly & Fila -- Future Sound of Egypt 182 - Original Mix Daniel Kandi - Always Alive 070 - Original Mix Pedro Del Mar -- Mellomania Deluxe Episode 486 - Sequentia Remix Temple One - Terminal One 033 & 034 - Sequentia Remix Fast Distance -- Fast Distance Radio 055, In Motion 036 - Original Mix Store N Forward - Afterglow Sessions May 2011 - Sequentia Remix Manuel Le Saux -- Top Twenty Tunes 358 & 359, Extrema 222 & 223 - Sequentia Remix Faruk <b>...</b> Длительность: 4:34
Скриншоты к видео Ferrin & Morris - Precious Times (Sequentia Remix)
Ripped from Armin Van Buuren A State of Trance 431 Note: If you have problems with my videos or this video breaking the copyright, please send me PM then I remove video Длительность: 4:22
Download This Album on iTunes: It's been an eventful year for trance. More than ever did the trance sound incorporate with other styles. Progressive, house and ambient influences caused a fusion of sound, showing different angles to the sometimes predictable structure in trance music. Some say trance is dead, but it's more alive and kicking than ever before! 'Trance 100 - Best of 2009' is an overview of the strongest, toughest and most outstanding trance tracks of the year 2009. 100 tracks by brand new talents and renowned producers that keep things fresh. We've got Armin van Buuren, Simon Patterson, Rank 1, Roger Shah, Markus Schulz, Gareth Emery and many others, showing you what the year 2009 has meant for trance. For more information visit: http Длительность: 4:54
Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Crash Into Reason (DJ Eco Remix) Mixed in A State of Trance 415 with Armin van Buuren Learn more about Armin van Buuren and his radio show ASOT at Learn more about Tritonal at Learn more about Cristina Soto at Learn more about DJ Eco at Длительность: 5:55
Скриншоты к видео [HD] Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Crash Into Reason (DJ Eco Remix)
[ :X ] my first video :-"... enjoy...:P lyrics : Timpul sa oprit...eo nebunie cum ne-am intalnit.... Ce frumoase sunt...toate iubirile la inceput.... Prima noapte a vreu sa pierd nici un minut... (Ia-ma-n brate sa simt dragostea...) Soarele va bucuram ca doi copii... (Iar eu stiu ca de azi sunt a ta...) Refren: Buna-dimineata,te iubesc Zi de zi de tine ma indragostesc "Buna-dimineata" iti soptesc Cu fiecare zi tot mai mult te iubesc.. Te sarut mult prea repede...clipele trec.... Iar daca visez...jur ca nu vreau,nu ma trezesc.... Prima noapte a vreu sa pierd nici un minut... (Spune-mi iar ca nu vei pleca...) Soarele va bucuram ca doi copii... (Iar eu stiu ca de azi sunt a ta...) Refren: Buna-dimineata,te iubesc Zi de zi de tine ma indragostesc "Buna-dimineata" iti soptesc Cu fiecare zi tot mai mult te iubesc.. x2 Длительность: 3:42