A video dedicated to our beloved fans, that follow us through thick and thin! We wanted to show u what 4 days of our lives were like. Making music, being in airports, touring, having loads of fun and meeting with some of the giants in trance. Thanks alot to Armin and Alda for making it possible. We promised our fans a "no farty" set, and we kept that promise pretty much all through the set! Note, we actually played 15 minutes past closingtime! Twitter.com Twitter.com All 3 tracks in the video was produced by either of us, so no copyright bullcrap here! Длительность: 10:56
Скриншоты к видео Ferry Tayle & Daniel Kandi TV - The ASOT 550 Aftermovie
Eddie Murphy in delirious talks about how his mother throws shoes Achieving Purpose is a non profit motivational site to help drive and inspire people to achieve their goals and find their purpose in life. Become a member for free today at www.achievingpurpose.com or like our facebook fanpage at www.facebook.com/AchievingPurpose Длительность: 1:53
Очень качественные, остроумные и смешные ролики, которым не удалось пройти цензуру. Провокационные, но стильные работы европейских и американских рекламщиков. Больше приколов на моем блоге: www.kazyavki.net Мой твиттер twitter.com Фэйсбук: www.facebook.com Длительность: 1:58
This Re-Cut trailer makes it look like Andy (Steve Carell) is stalking Trish (Catherine Keener). Only a little over 2 mins long. Made this along time ago but never really liked it. I'm throwing it up out of bored'em. Длительность: 2:09
Скриншоты к видео The 40 Year Old Stalker - Recut Trailer 40 Year Old Virgin
mi tercer video con otra historia extrania. esta vez brendon le reclama a ryan por keltie. gente: esto es en juego okk?? ievensela leve!! THIS IS A SLIDESHOW ABOUT BRENDON BEING MAD BECAUSE OF KELTIE... THE STORY IS ABOUT THE SONG.. SO, IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, PLEASE DON'T EVEN TAKE THE TIME TO POST RUDE COMMENTS 'CAUSE I'LL DELETE THEM... AND IT'S ALL A JOKE ANYWAYS. ENJOY :D Длительность: 3:52
i came across a rooster in a mechanic shop humping a shoe! the rooster was actually humping that shoe editing powers just made it look cooler :D Длительность: 1:22
Скриншоты к видео Freddy the Shoe Fucker, fucking to benny benassi