"Sometimes, when the state of seeing happens, and many have come to that state of no-mind and no-ego (and it is not difficult to bring you there), something doesn't stay because there is so much commitment to the mind. When that state of seeing happens, mind has a certain time-frame to finish you off; all your desires, attachments, and latent tendecies will be stirred up, but you have to transcend them right then...You cannot win a fight when the battle is over!" Длительность: 12:05
This video is meant to give you a thorough description of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program experience at Amman Academy. Длительность: 8:45
Скриншоты к видео The IB Experience at Amman Academy
Prior this, all the minor deities bid farewell to the Monkey God in modern chinese before returning to the other world. Before, the Monkey God depart, he took away the golden head band - a symbol of the image of Monkey God as depicted also by the Chinese classic literature, Journey to the West. Then the devotee goes into a state of trance before returning. Длительность: 2:05
The Om (Aum) symbol is a sacred syllable representing Brahman, the impersonal Absolute — omnipotent, omnipresent, and the source of all manifest existence. By sound and form, AUM symbolizes the infinite Brahman (ultimate reality) and the entire universe. A stands for Creation U stands for Preservation M stands for Destruction or dissolution This is representative of the Trinity of God in Hindu dharma (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) The three portions of AUM relate to the states of waking, dream and deep sleep and the three gunas (rajas, satva, tamas) The three letters also indicates three planes of existence, heaven (swarga), earth (martya) and netherworld (patala) www.buddhastatues.org Turiya is a state of pure consciousness, or the experience of ultimate reality and truth. It is a fourth state of consciousness, the momentary silence after each chanting of Aum. When you experience Turiya you realize nothing is real. Waking is not real, dream is not real, sleep is not real, the world of multiplicity is not real. If that is so, bondage is not real and liberation is not real. You don't talk of liberation of the Self or Brahman. Liberation and bondage relate to the individual soul and the individual soul itself is unreal. Therefore there is neither bondage nor liberation. However, this remarkable realization is experienced only through enlightened intellect. It is only upon waking up from a horrible dream that you realize there was no horror. While you are trapped in the dream <b>...</b> Длительность: 6:50
Скриншоты к видео Om (Aum) Mantra - 54 Repetitions