FULL TUNE!! Supported by Armin van Buuren, Aly & Fila, Bjorn Akesson, Manuel Le Saux, Jorn van Deynhoven, Ashley Wallbridge, Pedro Del Mar, Bobina & DJ Ange! OMGWOW!! The best remix this year so far by my favourite producer - Suncatcher! I love his works, always so heavenly and uplifting to the max! His style is unique, amazing... Jesus Christ, I'm speechless... You have to listen to it yourself and judge. For me is 100% ch00n! It's one of the best tracks this year, for sure in TOP3 this month imo. Jizzed! ;) Please support Solis & Suncatcher and follow the buying link below! Thank you so much, artists need that! We'll be waiting for your opinions in the comments box :) This is priceless! A little annoucement: My dear friend's channel was suspended, so please subscribe to his new one and show him your support! He is one the best uploaders here, I can assure you... Edwin's new channel: www.youtube.com Thank you so much for your help! Solis' Myspace: www.myspace.com Solis' Facebook Fan Page: www.facebook.com Suncatcher's Myspace: www.myspace.com Suncatcher's Facebook Fan Page: www.facebook.com Infrasonic Recordings' Website: www.infrasonicrecordings.com Infrasonic Recordings' Facebook Fan Page: www.facebook.com ---- Become a fan on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com Add me on Google+: plus.google.com Длительность: 8:09
Скриншоты к видео Solis - True To Me (Suncatcher Remix) [Music Video] [HD]
Another Great Track From John O' Callahan & Guiseppe Ottaviani In Ride The Wave In This Great Uplifting Trance Track !! Awesome Track Rises You Up!! Property Of Armada Records & Of John O' Callahan & Guiseppe Ottaviani Taken From ASOT 509 Making This Video Dedicated To A State Of Trance John O' Callahan & Guiseppe Ottavianni A Tribute To Them !! " From John O'Callaghan's new album "Unfold", is out on April 8th. In Ireland, global trance superstar John O'Callaghan is often referred to, and widely regarded as, a phenomenon. He is the most successful club DJ in the nation's history, now three years consecutively among the elite of the internationally renowned DJ Magazine Top 100 DJs poll. Flying the flag for Ireland across all continents, the Subculture founder also acts as clubland ambassador for revered brands such as Armada, Cream, Gatecrasher, The Gallery and Godskitchen to name but a few. O'Callaghan's irresistible DJ sets are a unique blend of uplifting vocal anthems, soaring waves of euphoric melodies and bursts of pounding tech-trance rhythms and speaker-shattering basslines -- much of the material carefully crafted at his own sonic laboratory housed deep in the Irish countryside. For the past nine years, this aural adventure playground has been a hub of immense creativity, where innovation and the quest for excellence are inseparable bedfellows. O'Callaghan has delivered more than 50 original compositions and two ground-breaking artist albums, among them globe <b>...</b> Длительность: 2:05
Скриншоты к видео John O' Callaghan & Guiseppe Ottaviani-Ride The Wave Asot 509
ASOT 493 cut www.arminvanbuuren.com Tracklist 15. John O' Callaghan vs. Timmy & Tommy - Talk To Me (Orjan Nilsen Trance Mix) [Tune Of The Week] 16. Will Holland Featuring Jeza - Start Again (Juventa Remix) Длительность: 12:03
Скриншоты к видео Armin van Buuren - A State of Trance 493 cut [2011 01 27]
TyDi - Is It Cold (Original Mix) [HD Widescreen video] From the album tyDi - Look Closer Become friend of tyDi here: www.facebook.com Tracklist : 1. Closer Than My Breath 2. Everythings Ok 3. Foolish 4. Meet Me In Kyoto 5. Kopi Susu 6. I Like, You Like 7. Under The Stars 8. Look Closer 9. Interlude 10. Amazing 11. Russia! 12. Mind Games 13. Is It Cold? 14. Let You Go 15. How Much Longer Длительность: 6:38
Скриншоты к видео [HD] TyDi - Is It Cold (Original Mix) tyDi - Is It Cold album Look Closer