Unofficially the first video on Youtube of the full track. Purchased off of Beatport, buy it today! This has been uploaded purely for entertainment purchases. Think of it as free advertisement. I do not endorse piracy and encourage people to buy the songs that they enjoy. Visited by: Ben Gold Hardwell Thank you! Длительность: 5:24
Скриншоты к видео W&W - White Label (Original Mix)
FULL TUNE! ASOT 456 playlisted. This is my nr. 5 uplifting trance tune in 2010. Still love it so much, very dreamy and emotional. Enjoy... Purchase link: Длительность: 8:37
Скриншоты к видео Adam Coppack & Akira Kayosa - Everything Ends (Suncatcher Remix) [HD]
IMPORTANT INFO The intro, I am wearing gear, I accidently forgot to take it off when I seen him but I threw it in anyways for the extra footage. Mage and hunter scene at icecrown dailies, my friend is also making a video for Mercader, he too was naked. He told me he was going to go for the hunter, and I was to go for the mage. So I did, no 2v1 action in that scene. Gear: The fleshshaper Titansteel destroyer Lillhoffs winged blades titanforged ring furious gladiators rings anvil of titans wintergrasp attack power trinket. Video response for Merc, respect. Длительность: 6:50