суббота, 31 декабря 2011 г.

1 hr Gamma Binaural Beat Session (40hz) - pure

1 hr Gamma Binaural Beat Session (40hz) - pureIf you'd like to support Audio Entrainment please make a donation via PayPal. The donate button can be found to the right of the featured video on the AudioEntrainment Youtube Channel. Check out free-binaural-beats.com for FREE high quality hour long MP3 Downloads! Video - (40hz) Beat Frequency - - (174hz) Base Frequency From Wikipedia: Experiments on Tibetan Buddhist monks have shown a correlation between transcendental mental states and gamma waves.[13][14] A suggested explanation is based on the fact that the gamma is intrinsically localized. Neuroscientist Sean O'Nuallain suggests that this very existence of synchronized gamma indicates that something akin to a singularity - or, to be more prosaic, a conscious experience - is occurring.[13] This work adduces experimental and simulated data to show that what meditation masters have in common is the ability to put the brain into a state in which it is maximally sensitive and consumes power at a lower (or even zero) rate, briefly. The "Zero power hypothesis" suggests that the lower power states may correspond to a "selfless" state and the more typical non-zero state, in which gamma is not so prominent, corresponds to a state of empirical self. www.audioentrainment.com The web's largest source of pure Binaural Beats.
Длительность: 60:01

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1 hr Gamma Binaural Beat Session (40hz) - pure
Видео 1 hr Gamma Binaural Beat Session (40hz) - pure Video 1 hr Gamma Binaural Beat Session (40hz) - pure 1 hr Gamma Binaural Beat Session (40hz) - pure

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